Our mission is to bring together the Filipino educators in the Philippines and around the world, to give voice to our aspirations, to create a partnership with major education advocates and organizations, to advance the best possible innovative outreach and professional development projects for the teachers and students of the Philippines.
Dear colleagues,
It is Martin Luther King, Jr's birthday today here in the US, and as I was reading once more his immortal speech "I Have A Dream", a movie of the same slavery, bondage, injustice and oppression that our Filipino ancestors endured was playing in my mind. I guess I am presently too preoccupied with so many trivial things happening around me that I have buried our history into my subconscious. As if reminding me, a voice of our own heroic leader back home in the Philippines resonated in my head...
...At the vanguard of progress in this part of the world I stand - a forlorn figure in the eyes of some, but not one defeated and lost...
...Out of the lush green of these seven thousand isles, out of the songs of the farmers at sunrise when they go to labor in the fields, out of the limitless patience of teachers in the classrooms, I shall make the pattern of my pledge:
I am a Filipino born of freedom and I shall not rest until freedom shall have been added unto my inheritance - for myself and my children's children - forever. - Carlos P. Romulo
It is no coincidence that
CNN's 2009 Hero of the Year is a Filipino Teacher. Indeed it runs through our veins...heroism, valor and persistence is the insignia of our race.
Are you a Filipino Teacher? Here's an invitation...